Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher
By: Nene Thomas

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


"When life strips off all her finery, what remains is fortune."
          p.353 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Roberto Calasso

A while ago I had made a post that somehow accidentally became erased. As you can imagine I was very upset about this (hence the called Stupid Technology after the Thoughts blog). The post was in relations to the idea of dreams and how we were supposed to talk about a dream that we had. Well this was, when...hmm....around October 1st? Well I did have a dream, and since it was erased, I will briefly summarize it. I was in the woods with my boyfriend and one other person (they were blurred, I'd say it was probably his father), and we were hunting, well.....he was hunting. I for some strange reason had my homework in front of me and was supposedly attempting to do that. Anywho, there was a big boulder in front of us and dense thick trees. (See the picture below to illustrate what the trees looked like, except the trees were lighter, possibly pine, with way more trees.)
Well we were lying there on our stomachs and the other person with us pointed something out and it was dog-like, maybe a wolf? Next thing I know, there is a huge cow moose and not just one, but two! And then a third! But this time, a bull. I thought to myself, "That's somewhat bigger than his brothers." Before I know it, Kurt is creeping around the big boulder with his gun getting ready. After he creeps along the edge of the boulder and out of view, one of the cows comes around the other side, right towards me, inches from my face! I remember being somewhat nervous (what normal person that close to a moose wouldn't be?) Well I reached for my camera, worrying if my movement or sound will frighten it off, and I look up to see my guy riding the bull moose. The moose being as docile as ever. (After doing some research for a photo, I found this is nothing new and there were some in either Newfoundland that did that very same thing - rode moose and hitched them to a wagon to pull. The date of the photo below is unknown.)

He then hopped off and was headed towards one of the cows and I told him that I didn't think that that was a good idea. Then I woke up.
     I decided that this meant he was going to get his moose. Three (in reference to the Bible) is a day of completeness (along with seven and forty) so I figure the three moose represented either three days or three trips. From the fact that he was riding the bull moose and not the cows, I made the assumption (and hoped) that he would get his bull moose, and a decent sized one too. I was doing homework, meaning I was stuck in Bozo while he was hunting, and his dad being there? He goes hunting with is dad. The possible wolf or dog? I'll explain later....About a week ago, my man also had a dream that he was moose hunting, he also saw three moose - two cows and a bull - only he shot the cow, then saw a massive bull. Pretty crazy that we would both have a moose hunting dream with two cows and a bull.
     Anywho, getting to the point of this blog (I'm sure you can guess where this is headed.) My boyfriend went hunting again this weekend (the third time keep in mind) with his father (the the third person) while I was stuck in Bozo, supposed to be doing homework (doing homework in my dream). I got a call from him yesterday saying that both Saturday and most of Sunday they hardly saw anything and most of the tracks they saw were wolves (the wolf/dog from the dream?) and not much else. But then! They were driving back to their cabin and saw some tracks across the road. Moose tracks! Saving the details to keep this short and make my point, he got his moose! And a bull moose none the less, with a span of 52", the largest of that area the guy at the checkpoint said he's seen the 15 years he's worked there. I'm so happy for him and we both thanked God for this beautiful creature to cross paths with my guy's bullet. He and his family now have plenty of meat and some nice antlers to prove it. But the real reason for this blog?? I'm so excited my dream and prediction of the dream actually came true!! Hooray!

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