Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher
By: Nene Thomas

Thursday, December 8, 2011

And So the End Begins...

“Now the landscape yields up its secret.”
                      The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Calasso p. 75

In class on Tuesday we had the 2nd portion of individual projects. There appeared to be a common theme with the concept of Urfe being a pawn in a chess game and the idea of “destined fate”. I had a few flashbacks of Humanities English 11 in high school and the portion of Calvanism. I religious sect that believes everyone's life is predestined and that only those who are considered “elite” get to enter the kingdom of heaven, but you yourself do not get to choose if you are one of these “elite” or not. Pretty gippy if you ask me.
         Those to speak on Tuesday were as follows:

  • Jerrod → Parenting and Mythology
  • Lucy → The Magus Myth and Predestination/Fate
  • Zach M. → The Magus and 3 Relationships : 1) Alison (Cupid) & Urfe (Psyche)
                    1. Urfe (Hades) & Julie (Persephone)
                    2. Urfe (a pawn) & Choncis (Zeus)
  • Sam → The Magus like the world.
  • Quentin → Prevalence of Hidden Agendas and Double Lives in The Magus
  • Jeremy → The Magus and The Adjusted Bureau
  • Sherwood → Myth and The Magus: Beg. Middles and Ends
  • Andrew → The Magus: Urfe in a fog.
  • Victoria → Freedom and Determinism
  • Ashley → The Magus and Dante's Inferno: the sin of fraud or deceit
  • Darrel → “Here We Go Again”: The Magus, a story we've all heard a million times already.
  • Lauren → The Magus and The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
  • Matthew → The Magus: geniuses are insane, like everyone in the book
  • Justin → The Magus and archetypes: Urfe (hero), Lily, Rose & Alison (deceitful female), Choncis (trickster)

Today is the last day of lecture. The final projects will be finished up and reviewing for the final will begin. I'm not gonna lie, and I'm sure most everyone else will agree, I am so! ready for this semester to be over. I am ready for a change in classes and a change in daily routine. Of course I'm not looking forward to the having to readjust to my new schedule, but break will give me plenty of down time to work on things I've been wanting to do all semester but haven't necessarily had time for. Things that include being able to sit back down at the piano and learn some new songs, do some puzzles, work on my cross stitch, work on my long-term scrapbook that I'm working on for a friend, and do some individual research on cattle management and the industry. Break is going to be too short.
                It was great to be able to listen in on all the creative minds of everyone in class. I hope everyone has a fantabulous break and a Merry Christmas!

And remember to live through the myth that dwells inside us all.....for the end is only the beginning...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Books of Many Colors"

“Cadmus had brought Greece, 'gifts of the mind': vowels and consonants yoked together in tiny signs, 'etched model of a silence that speaks' – the alphabet.”
            ~The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Calasso p. 390

Tonight I, along with many other of our classmates (Jen, Megan, Jerrod, Parker...), went to the, play in a way, done by “The Committee” - students from the philosophy, history, and religious studies departments. The play/speech/lecture was made and given in celebration of the 400th birthday of the King James Bible and Shakespeare's The Tempest in a world of post-literature where no one reads but everyone seems to write. I had a hard time following in the beginning or “first chapter” because they were moving so fast and covering a lot of dates and not speaking very clearly at first. They covered a lot of material, and not just in that “first chapter”. If I remember correctly there were seven?? chapters? What I received as the overview was it was a discussion on how the Bible has had a major impact on our society as a literary piece. It has influenced our world in numerous ways throughout history, especially with its interpretation into different languages, mainly English and Latin from the original Hebrew and Greek. But how does Shakespeare play into this? I believe in the connection was made in the aspect that Shakespeare may have been an editor of the King James version and there are many similarities between his play The Tempest and the KJ version. His play and the Bible combined have given an infinite number of sayings common today such as: “Apple of my eye.” “Reap what you sow.” and the like. (I can't seem to remember any from The Tempest as I have never seen it or read it, unlike the majority of the Bible.) It was an interesting little segment and I loved how songs were incorporated. Probably my favorite part.

So, “Who's the writer?”

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Last Few Lectures

“The merest breath decides everything...”
p. 341 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by: Calasso

Or the lack of breath. The second-to-last group to present a week ago did an interesting portray of funerals conducted throughout history. They began with an Irish Wake, which involves lots of drinking and placing a bottle of whiskey at the head and foot of the corpse. The Vikings had an interesting boat-on-land funeral service where instead of sending the dead off to sea, they burned the boat on land instead with the head slave woman who kills herself so she can be laid by his side. As the teacher pointed out, this relates to the Indian Funeral, “the right of seti”, where the wife would throw herself in the grave of her husband and be buried alive with him. And all willingly. I'm sorry, but I don't know about you, but I don't care how much I love my future husband, but I don't think I'd ever be willing to launch myself in his grave pit only to be buried alive. Pirate funerals were mainly “ship to sea” funerals. The Egyptian mummification was talked about, but not focused on the tearing the brains out of the nose with a piece or wire, but the strict ritual process that had to be made and the numerous items that were entombed with them. The Chinese funeral has the burning of money so to buy the soul out of the underworld. I think Wena said that this is fake money burnt now. And they even touched on the funeral process that I'm sure most of us wouldn't have even thought of doing. I know I wouldn't of! The cowboy way of doing them. The poem was really great. Actually, any of the poems or writings used were pretty neat. Anyway you guys could post those? (I know there's less than a week left.)
        The Myth and Marriage film was pretty funny. They did a pretty dang awesome job at linking the marriage of Persephone and Hades with the current traditions in a great hilarious manner. Kudos at the great work to all of the groups!

On Thursday the individual projects began. I was surprised to see that there were quite a few related to women. Well, then again, this doesn't really surprise me. The book was focused just as much on the women in Nicholas' life as it was on Urfe himself. Here's a brief summary of those who went that day:

  • me → Disney, Grimm, and the Myth Behind it All : basically compared fairy tales to myths
  • Theresa → Star Trek and Mythology : she discussed an episode of Star Trek with the myth we've been learning about in class, the episode suggests that gods/goddesses are aliens and they died without the love and worship of human beings
  • “Mourning for Adonis” → I searched this and not much came up
  • Megan → Womens' Role in the Magus : pointed out how women were the powerful creation
  • Cortney → Feminine Role in Initiation → heroes kill monsters to complete their initiation, women kill men
  • Juniper → Lily = Persephone, Joe = Hades : Good and Right, a relationship that was meant to happen
  • Madison → Labyrinths & Life : related The Magus with the movie Stranger Than Fiction
  • Eric → Angles & Initiation : related a book he had read (missed the title, something about Blessed) which made the sexual scenes in the Magus seem not near as mind scarring
  • Rosemary → The Proscennium of the Magus Revealed : created a whole summary of The Magus by using terribly impossible words to even pronounce, let alone define, found within the book; the two words I received were
      • “apophthegm” - short, pithy, instructive saying; a terse remark or aphorism
      • “palimpsest” - parchment or like from which writing has been partially or completely erased to make room for another text
  • Kevin → Death in the Magus : Nicholas as Persephone
  • Bailey → The Magus as a Game Board : turned the book into a board game which begins and ends in the same spot and had different levels which were quotes from the book
  • Parker → The Magus : talked about how what Nicholas thought he wanted was not truly what he needed
  • The Magus like The Tempest by Shakespeare”
  • Stephanie → The Magus, Myth and Mirrors : mirrors represent many things, but mainly fate

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Disney, Grimm, and the Myth Behind it All

      There appears to be a separation between reality and myth, but what if there were no distinction and it was all intertwined like a vine plant sprawled upon an ancient tree? The beginning becomes the end and the end the middle. Crawling, spiraling up towards the heavens, where no distinction lies between ancient and new creation. The question begins to persist, “Was this ancient and magnificent tree ever present without the vine? Or have they always been joined in harmony and the one will die not long after it is without the other?”
Our society has grown in a world where we are expected to believe in magic, that good always triumphs over evil, and that every story has a happy ending. Our time as youths has been filled with Disney movies full of beautiful princesses, handsome princes and faraway kingdoms. At an early age the majority of young girls begin their lifelong search for their prince charming to come and sweep them off their feet, carrying them away to their kingdom where they will live happily ever after. But life does not always deliver this glorious ending. Have the well-known stories always been this happy and go-lucky? Bringing false hope to those who believe? Or is there another beginning, long before Disney, that shows the real versions of these make-believe stories?
      Many will agree that the Disney movies are merely a prettier version of the real morbid stories in which they are based from – folklore from villages all around the world. Possibly the most famous written collection of these fairy tale stories is composed by the well-known brothers from Germany, the Brothers Grimm. Even so, the majority of the today’s society is more likely unfamiliar with these original tales than the newer, happier versions where violence and abhorring events do not hold near as much description as may be found in the Brothers Grimm stories. However, even the Grimm stories end happily where animals transform into handsome princes and the “bad guy” gets what he deserves, which is usually portrayed in a fairly graphic manner.
     Some may argue that even the Brothers Grimm stories are not the true versions, but rather stories created centuries before the Grimm brothers were even alive by more ancient civilizations such as the Greeks or the ancient Norsemen. I am not here to argue which versions of the stories did appear first or which is the real version, but merely the relationship between the eras and how “stories bridge generations” (Grimm p. ix).

“The repetition of a mythical event, with its play of variations, tells us that something remote is beckoning to us. There is no such thing as the isolated mythological even, just as there is no such thing as the isolated word. Myth, like language, gives all of itself in each of its fragments. When a myth brings into play repetition and variants, the skeleton of the system emerges for a while, the latent order, covered in seaweed.”
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony p. 136

Just like the winding vine, fairy tales are consistently changing with the passing of time. The only element of these tales which does not change is their base line – the ancient tree. According to Max Lüthi, the world of fairy tales is “an abstract world, full of discrete,
interchangeable people, objects, and incidents, all of which are isolated and are nevertheless interconnected, in a kind of web or network of two-dimensional meaning.” (Grimm p. xix) Calasso in his book The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony describes myth in a similar manner, as “the precedent behind every action” where those events which happen are not as unique to the individual it is happening to as one would think. Harmony is contemplating her arranged marriage with Cadmus and realizes that “for every step, the footprint was already there”. The same could be stated for the vine. Every year it dies, and every year it re-grows. This re-growth is destined to occur on the exact same tree beginning in the same location and no matter the path it chooses to take it will always end in the identical place, atop the tree and reaching for the heavens. In the introduction to the book The Annotated Brothers Grimm, it is stated that, “Everything in the fairy tales appears to happen entirely by chance – and this has the strange effect of making it appear that nothing happens by chance, that everything is fated.” (Grimm p. xix).
      It is true that there appears to be a very distinct difference between the Greek and Roman mythological tales and the folklore and fairy tales of later civilizations. Both may have some mayhem and agony, but the fairy tales always seem to have blissful endings of love, wealth, and/or peace emerging from the trials presented to the main character. The majority of Greek myths, on the other hand, seem to end with despair, death, or punishment. Their characters end up suffering like Io, being abducted and inevitably raped by Zeus, turned into a cow, and then abandoned, having only a rather bothersome gadfly as company (Calasso p.5). Or these characters experience horrific deaths such as Icarius, who was unjustly punished for sharing the gift given to him by Dionysus, wine, and was beaten and stabbed to death as a result (Calasso p.38). Freud had claimed that the one item that distinguished myth and fairy tales were that myths were “related to disaster” while fairy tales were “related to daydreams and wish-fulfillment fantasies” (Grimm p. xviii).
      However, even the fairy tales of Disney have their frightening sides. As I re-watch my favorite princess movies from my childhood such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and the non-Disney Anastasia, the innocence of them turns out to be not so harmless and more disturbing than I remembered. Even the newer Disney cartoon, The Princess and the Frog had some very spine-chilling moments in it with the voodoo used by the “evil” person. It is true that they all end happily ever after and the princess ends with the prince, but even these newest modified versions still contain some of that blood curdling creepiness that can so easily be seen in the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
      The Grimm tales are well known for having more graphic and morbid context. These versions that are well recognized aren’t even as horrendous as those which may have been told to them while they were forming their collection. In realizing that children tended to be more attracted to their gathering of stories over the scholars in whom they were originally intended for, the Grimms made them more child friendly. But not all of their collected tales were simplified; some were left as adult fairy tales such as “How Children Played Barber with Each Other”. There are two versions of this story. One of these ends in a much happier manner than the other, with the child playing the butcher being declared innocent and too ignorant to realize what had happened. He is set free and not condemned for this reason. The other ending is not near as favorable. To make an already short story shorter, everyone dies. The mother rushes down to the horror of her one child having slit the throat of the other. Filled with rage she stabs the remaining child. Still having one more child, it drowns in the bathtub while she is stabbing its sibling. Overcome with grief she kills herself and her husband dies not long after due to sorrow. This horrific tale appears to have come from a Greek tragedy rather than a fairy tale book. There is not a single thing in this tale which could be connected to the archetype of fairy tales.
      This being said, there must be some link between that glorious tree and that consuming vine; those footsteps which have been predestined. How could such a link between so many centuries exist? Stories have been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth for years. Before words had yet to be written and become “etched models of silence that speaks” (Calasso p. 39), stories were depicted through the eyes of the narrator. With no written words of the story, the narrator is free to mold and modify the elements of the tales being spoken, causing a constant change in the way the story is told. An example of this would be any of the well known fairy tales such as Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty), Snow Drop (Snow White), The Princess and the Frog, and Cinderella who alone has 345 different versions (Grimm p. xxii).
      The variance of tales is easily explained among areas, but how is it possible for civilizations across oceans and centuries to have similar variations of seemingly the same story? Walter Benjamin, a German philosopher, gives the notion that “every culture relies on both native and non-native lore to construct the stories it tells” (Grimm p. xxxv). He splits the world population into two groups, those who farm and receive income from the land and those who travel by sea, or sea merchants. The soil tillers represent the story tellers whose stories are deeply rooted to tradition. The seamen, on the other hand, are those who import exotic, mystical, and alien tales. Over time these translations slowly combine to create the numerous styles currently found today.
      It is seemingly easy to relate those stories which have been branched off of one another, but correlating mythology with fairy tales is another thing. However a connection can be made. Even though the Roman and Greek myths are full of ruin, misery, and seemingly always ending in death or eternal punishment, when those aspects of the story are taken from it, a magical world of heroes, monsters, and far away kingdoms much like those found in the modern day fairy tales are revealed.
      If Benjamin's theory on the expansion of fairy tales is correct, then there is no reason as to why the Greek and Roman myths should not also have an influence on these tales. The mythological story of Eros and Psyche is an excellent source to use to give some sort of insight as to how mythology may have influenced our modern stories. The story begins with a jealous goddess, Aphrodite, who sends a skilled archer, Eros, to put a curse on Psyche because of her beauty, but her beauty saves her and the archer falls in love with her instead. She is then “swept” away to a far off kingdom where an invisible stranger, Eros, informally makes her his wife (Snow White). Deceit by her sisters causes her to betray this secret lover whom she cannot see and look at his true self, only to discover not a hideous serpent like her sisters suggested but a handsome god (Beauty and the Beast). Infuriated he leaves and she must complete some dangerous tasks which she does with the help of nature (Hasty and the Princess). The last task makes her overcome with sleep. Eros comes and wakes her, taking her to his kingdom on top of Mt. Olympus where they live happily ever after (Sleeping Beauty).
      This is a rather simplified description of the myth, but the connection can effortlessly be made between mythology and fairy tales. However, this may not always be as possible, especially when trying to compare stories of the numerous women abducted by the gods or a “hero” and abandoned not long after. The girls always appear to become infatuated such as Adriadne, only to become isolated and doomed for a miserable destruction. But when the story is picked apart, the ending removed, and the middle examined, a correlation can be made. Keeping with the Adriadne example, her story did begin with the hopes of having a fairy tale ending. A young, strong, handsome hero comes from a far off land, defeats the town monster, woos the princess and carries her off with him; the basic story line of the majority of fairy tales.
      And so the vine continues to grow, wrapping itself around the oldest tales and converting them into something new. But even these new stories contain something that can only be traced back to the tree in which it embraces. The classic stories change with time, yet all are interchangeable and intertwined. With these daydreams and wishful fantasies mixed with “secular dreams of youthful humanity” (Grimm p. xviii), the real story begins – in illo tempore.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Archetypes and Stereotypes

Which was the goddess? He couldn't say.
~ p. 172 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Calasso

Apparently our class had no problem with this during class on Thursday. Our group projects began and (even though I'm a little biased) I think both groups did a great job! I am impressed with the second group in trying to intervene archetypes with stereotypes by using icons in our current society. They picked a tricky topic to try to work into a short group presentation. The people they used were the following:

  • Charlie Sheen – Dionysus
  • Elizabeth Taylor – Aphrodite –> Suddenly Last Summer when she rises from the sea like Aphrodite when she was born
  • Michael Phelps – Poseidon
  • Usain Bolt – Hermes
  • Oprah Winfrey – Zeus (or Hades according to Jarrod)
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton – Zeus and Hera
  • Adolf Hitler – Hades
  • Andrew Jackson – Trail of Tears, (one of the few things I remember from AP Gov in high school) “Stonewall Jackson”, 1st president to use the right of the veto
  • Napoleon Bonaparte – conquered most of Europe, freed a number of religious minorities, “Emperor & Liberator”
  • Marie Antoinette - “Let them eat cake.”, party girl, last queen of France, had her head chopped off, known as the Austrian whore

One of the main points they made was the common notion that if you do not know history, it will repeat itself. According to Sexson, if you do not know mythology, you repeat it. I, personally do not entirely agree with either one of those. As much as our school system tries to follow this teaching, history still continues to repeat itself. It is inevitable to happen. It does not matter if you know history through and through or not. Humankind has the same tendencies now as they had when they were created. They only thing that may have changed is the environment.
     I remember having this discussion in World History class sophomore year of high school. We were comparing the Vietnam War to the current war. The similarities between the two wars and how they were being fought were obvious, yet the Vietnam War is one of the most learned about besides World War II, and yet faulty military tactics which were used in the Vietnam War such as occupying an area and then leaving, therefore having to reoccupy the same area over and over again, has somehow made it's way into our current war in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, I cannot entirely state if that is the case anymore, as I, and I'm sure many, do not keep up on the war as much as I used to, now that it is not as hot of an item in the news as it used to be. But point being, history was clearly repeating itself in that circumstance, even though the Vietnam War was only 40 yrs or so ago, and well documented.
     In away it goes back to Calasso's definition of myth, “the precedent behind every action”. Every story is not original, but rather merely following someone's footprints in time. The environment may change, but the overall storyline does not. So here is my question....who made the first story which created the footprints to begin with?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Overall Opinion on The Magus

Which was the goddess? He couldn't say.
~ p. 172 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Calasso

Nicholas Urfe. The strange character “chosen” to undergo a rather cruel experiment in the book The Magus, and for what? To hopefully change him in some way, set up by his current (or perhaps ex-) girlfriend who in the end has nothing really to say to him, acts as a rather unintelligent broad, and just stands there crying, trapped in the curse of her own game? There are four women throughout the book, but who holds the key to the plot? Julie (Lily), June (Rose), Alison, or Lily de Seitas? Who decides the ending? Certainly it is not Nick, for he is the pawn in the whole book, or as others have put it, the lab rat in which can choose its own path, and by doing so determines the outcome of the maze, but not necessarily the ending. It could not possibly be Lily de Seistas as she had no direct link to Nick’s bizarre happenings. As for Lily and Rose? They truly were mere puppets throughout the whole “act”. This leaves only Alison; the one Nick had least expected to be part of it at all. But why play this awful trick on someone you supposedly loved? I feel there are better ways to make someone change, and yet, even after he had changed (which, in my opinion she never really took the time to find out), she still didn’t want him. Or did she?
      Nicholas was the unsuspecting man who has tricks played on his heart. (And what makes me angry, is the next young fellow to take his spot at the Greek school will probably take his place in Mr. Conchis’s evil fun as well. Which by the way, I hope does not happen, or at least the young gentleman is smart enough not to get hooked, since he seems like a nice guy and has a fiancé.) And yet he can’t let it go once he has left the island. But is it he can’t let it go because he wants to continue living in this land of illusion, or is it because of the mystery behind the whole thing and he wants to know the actual truth of it all? His mind games have no longer become a mystery that must be won by wits, but one that must be won by tedious tasks of searching – almost like a scavenger hunt. Always searching for every clue, hoping that the last one will lead to the end, which you hope to reach before your opponents, only to be disappointed with the ending results.

It occurs when the boy who has been enchanted in the nursery by Stories from the Odyssey buckles down to really learning Greek. It occurs when lovers have got married and begin the real task of learning to live together. In every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing.
~ p. 7 The Screwtape Letters by: C. S. Lewis

His torture which indulged his boring life on the island soon turned into a chore and in a way, disappointment.
      But what was the point behind it all? I still don’t understand. Sexson keeps insisting it relates to the separation, initiation, transformation cycle. Perhaps. It would seem logical since, like Sexson had mentioned, Nick separates himself from England, undergoes all these mind games with Mr. Conchis (which include an “initiation trial”), returns to England where he begins as a different man. Now he feels no longer like a mere common Englishman, but in a way, an outcast. This outcast feeling explains the transformation stage. But what did he gain from this? One can only conclude the hopes that he will be more respectful towards the women he dates (if he dates again, thanks to Alison and Lily he doesn’t appear as if he ever wants to) in the future. Seems a little silly to go through all that trouble, money, and time to get that change when it could have been done in a quicker manner.


The Prince and the Magician
Once upon a time there was a young prince, who believed in all things but three. He did not believe in princesses, he did not believe in islands, he did not believe in God. His father, the king, told him that such things did not exist. As there were no princesses or islands in his father's domaines, and no sign of God, the young prince believed his father.
     But then, one day, the prince ran away from his palace. He came to the next land. There, to his astonishment, from every coast he saw islands, and on these islands, strange and troubling creatures whom he dared not name. As he was searching for a boat, a man in full evening dress approached him along the shore.
    'Are those real islands?' asked the young prince.
    'Of course they are real islands,' said the man in the evening dress.
    'And those strange and troubling creatures?'
    'They are all genuine and authentic princesses.'
    'Then God also must exist!' cried the prince.
    'I am God,' replied the man in full evening dress, with a bow.
    The young prince returned home as quickly as he could.
    'So you are back,' said his father, the king.
    'I have seen islands, I have seen princesses, I have seen God,' said the prince reproachfully.
    The king was unmoved.
    'Neither real islands, nor real princesses, nor a real God, exist.'
    'I saw them!'
    'Tell me how God was dressed.'
    'God was in full evening dress.'
    'Were the sleeves of his coat rolled back?'
    The prince remembered that they had been. The king smiled.
    'That is the uniform of a magician. You have been deceived.'
    At his, the prince returned to the next land, and went to the same shore, where once again he came upon the man in evening dress,
    'My father the king has told me who you are,' said the prince indignantly. 'You deceived me last time, but not again. Now I know that those are not real islands and real princesses, because you are a magician.'
    The man on the shore smiled.
    'It is you who are deceived, my boy. In your father's kingdom there are many islands and many princesses. But you are under your father's spell, so you cannot see them.'
    The prince returned pensively home. When he saw his father, he looked him in the eyes.
    'Father, is it true that you are not a real king, but only a magician?'
    The king smiled, and rolled back his sleeves.
    'Yes, my son, I am only a magician.'
    'Then the man on the shore was God.'
    'The man on the shore was another magician.'
    'I must know the real truth, the truth beyond magic.'
    'There is no truth beyond magic.' said the king.
    The prince was full of sadness.
    He said, 'I will kill myself.'
    The king by magic caused death to appear. Death stood in the door and beckoned to the prince. The prince shuddered. He remembered the beautiful but unreal islands and the unreal but beautiful princesses.
    'Very well,' he said. 'I can bear it.'
    'You see, my son,' said the king, 'you too now begin to be a magician.'

~p. 550-552 The Magus

This short story was found in The Magus when Nicholas is scrummaging through the bunkhouse that Julie (Lily) and June (Rose) stayed in. In a way, it reflects his life on the island with Conchis as the king and Julie & June the other magician. Only when Nick believes that the whole plot is false can more of the story unravel. He becomes lost in illusion and truth and even contributes to the lies being passed around, setting the story in his own hands. Or so he thinks. He is the youngest of magicians here – the prince. Inexperienced and torn with emotions, not knowing what to believe, but accepting the deceptions placed in front of him because they are 'beautiful'.
      This idea of putting the exact plot into the story by another story or piece of literature is a powerful thing. It can be seen commonly among literature. I wish I could think of more things, but at the moment the best example I can think of is the movie Moulin Rouge, where the play that is being written and performed is the main characters real life. (I hope I have not ruined that for anyone.) Even Jesus uses this method, where he foretold his death numerous times, just as we talked previously about the type of teaching he loved, usually in parables.
      As for the story itself, if I were a true Literature major, I would come up with some philosophical reasoning behind it. Perhaps expressing some idea on how this is our lives, an illusion that we create to encompass ourselves around those things which fill us with delight. But I'm not. I would agree that we do have a tendency to surround ourselves with those things in which we find beautiful and joyful. Looking around you can tell who choosing instead to live the life of which is sulking, depressing, or angry. According to the story, they are the ones who live with no magic. So how will you live your life? In a land of illusion? In the land without magic? Or perhaps the third not stated in the short story above; the one of truth with creativity? If you ask me, I'll choose the last.